Saturday, January 09, 2010

Still Cold Outside

It is still cold here in the Atlanta area.  The sun was out today but it didn’t get above freezing.  We still have ice on our street, especially right in front our our house.  Bill isn’t able to get his truck out of our driveway which is uphill.  We live downhill from both of the streets we are able to get out of our subdivision and have had a lot of trouble getting out.  The main streets are clear but with so many trees in our neighborhood, the streets still have a lot of ice on them.  Since I had to go to work today, Bill went to work in my car and then took an early lunch hour to come home and pick me up and take me to the shop.

Hopefully we will be able to move the truck tomorrow but for sure on Monday when the temperature is finally going to be above freezing.  I usually work on Sunday afternoons but because of the retreat that was cancelled, other people are working and I have the day off.  I was not scheduled to work today but one of the girls lives a bit north and had more ice so I worked for her.

Anyway, since I didn’t want to post without a picture, I took a photo of my favorite socks.  My sister gave them to me last year and I really love them.

They not only look great but they kept my feet warm all day, along with my furry fake Crocs.



  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Lovely socks Melinda!!! I bet they did keep your feet warm!! I just love knitting socks, but I have not made any like the ones you are wearing. I mostly knit lace designs into my socks. I knitted about 10 pairs of socks early 2009, the last pair being for my 88 year old father. He was delighted with them, and no I didn't knit lacey socks for him, he got plain ones from variegated wool.

  2. Melinda, love the socks. I wish I could knit like that. I know about cold, it's cold here too. Stay warm, Steph

  3. Love the socks. I wear mine all the time.

  4. I LOVE those socks! Did she make them? I'd love that pattern!

    And I also love what came in the mail today! I got the sweet little pincushion you sent me. Thank you SOOOO much! I'll put a picture of it on my blog tomorrow.

  5. I love the socks!! Where did she get them from or did she make them?

  6. Those are great socks. Staying warm seems to be everyone's main goal these days. This cold can't last forever.

  7. Hope things start warming up for you! I have the same socks. Actually, I have almost every color variation that they make. I love them and they really do keep your feet warm all day!


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