Saturday, August 31, 2013
Mystery Quilts

Friday, August 30, 2013
Dancing Spools
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Table Runner
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Special Projects Day
Monday, August 26, 2013
Design Wall Monday–August 26, 2013
Nothing on my design wall today but I thought I would show you the beginnings of a new project. The Allatoona Guild is going to be doing a mystery quilt instead of our usual Block of the Month next year. It is designed by Pat Wys of Silver Thimble Quilt Co. Because it is a mystery, I won’t be blogging about it during the year but I can share the fabrics I am going to use.
It is going to be a two color quilt but of course two colors does not necessarily mean two fabrics, although that would certainly work. First I went through all my Kaffe prints but finally decided that they were just too busy to do credit to this design. Then I started looking at various colors and finally decided on purple. Tiny Stitches had a fat quarter sale (buy one, get one free) over the weekend so I bought purples. I need about 5 yards but ended up getting a little more for variety.
On the bottom of the top two photos are a couple of the possible backgrounds – white and grey. I haven’t decided on it yet, but think I will use only one fabric for the background.
For more design walls, go to Patchwork Times and check out all the links.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
Hexies in Progress for Swap
I have been working on hexies for the hexie swap. The theme this time is batiks and I am so exited. We can send a minimum of 35 sets (a set is 6 identical hexies) and a maximum of 100. Not sure if I can get to 100 but I have a good start with 26 sets all put together. I am excited about putting together a batik hexie quilt someday.
These are made from 2 1/2 inch squares and I have lots more cut. These need to be prewashed which I don’t usually do so that has delayed me a little. I have enough prepared to work on for the next few evenings. They need to be at the swap mama’s house by the 7th so I need to get going.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Beginning Machine Piecing–Class 3
Both of the classes yesterday went well. In the morning we moved on to friendship stars. Here are the results.
Everyone made at least one star and are working on the other four. Also on the design wall is the homework from last week – beautiful nine patches.
At the night time class, I only had one student and since she started a week late, we worked on her rail fence and nine patches.
We will work on stars next week, when the other student returns from her business trip. So far everyone seems to be having fun and doing a great job.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Hexie Club
We had hexie club last night and had fun with Pieced Hexies. Some of us got a little confused and made hexies in a new and unusual way.
I pieced the fabric before the meeting and each person put together one flower. A couple of people have some unsewing to do.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Design Wall Monday–August 19, 2013
I am ready to quilt the Royal Gardens purple top so I am moving on to the black one. We are going to make this color into a smaller quilt. Here is what I have been playing with so far.
The blocks look quite different on point. I still need three more blocks before I can put them together. I am waiting until then to decide which blocks to put the dark on and which to put the light on. I put the light around the bottom block on the left and it disappeared so I took it off. The background of the block was too close to the color of the light on the outside of the blocks. Since I am not sure what the other blocks will look like, I need to wait. The other three blocks should be done by Wednesday so I can hopefully get this put together and decide on the borders.
For more design walls, go to Patchwork Times – lots of inspiration there.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Backing for Royal Gardens Saturday Sampler Quilt
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Shopping at Intown Quilters
Stella and I went to Intown Quilters on Thursday because I wanted to pick a border for the Kaffe house quilt. It told me while there that it didn’t want a border, just a backing. In their sale room I found two possibilities – both house prints.
Not sure which one I will use.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Finished Royal Gardens Quilt Top
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Beginning Machine Piecing–Class 2
We had two good classes yesterday. First was the morning class where we worked on the second block – nine patch.
The evening class only has two students and one of them was new but we made quite a bit of progress there also.
Next week we will move on to friendship stars and the dreaded half-square triangles.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Progress on Leader/Ender Project
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Table Runner Completed. - Needs Quilting
Monday, August 12, 2013
Design Wall Monday–August 12, 2013
My wedding ring table runner is on my design wall. I couldn’t sleep last night so pieced a few of the parts together.
It is going together relatively easy and I think I am going to like it.
For more design walls, go to Patchwork Times.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Allatoona Class Last Week
Here are some photos from the classes we held at the Allatoona Quilters’ Guild last week. The same class was held 3 days in a row.
Judy Wurm was the teacher and she is sitting in the center in the last photo. We had such a great time and give thanks to the generosity of Ruth, who left us her sewing room contents to sell. Ruth wanted us to use the money to pay for a great teacher for a workshop for the guild members to attend at no cost to them.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Busy Day
Friday, August 09, 2013
Class at Allatoona Quilters’ Guild
We had a wonderful class from Judy Wurm yesterday at guild. There were ten of us in class and it was great.
Here are a few photos from the class.
We worked on one of Judy Niemeyer’s wedding ring table runner project.
I got all the parts made and here is what mine will look like when sewn together.
I am loving how it is coming out. There will be four sections when it is finished. I had such a good time at class. I did mine scrappy while all the others made a more planned arrangement. I added the black and white batiks last night – glad I did.
Thursday, August 08, 2013
Beginning Machine Piecing
I taught two classes yesterday of Beginning Machine Piecing. For some reason I only got photos of fabrics from three students. I think we were having too much fun and I simply forgot to take more photos.
I will do better next week and it is always more interesting when there are actual blocks to look at.
Off to the Judy Niemeyer class at guild this morning.
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Allatoona Guild Meeting
The guest speaker at our guild meeting yesterday was Judy Wurm who is a Judy Niemeyer certified teacher. She is going to be teaching workshops for the next three days for the guild. Ruth Stormack left the guild her all her sewing supplies and we had a sale – made a lot of money. She had requested that we use the money to pay for a teacher to give classes to the guild members, free of charge. The project we are going to work on is called Forever Yours and is a wedding ring table runner.
Each of us will be attending one day of class, with the class repeated over three days. I have signed up for Thursday.
Here are a few of the quilts she showed at the meeting.
She has a wonderful sense of color and picks fabric that works wonderful for the projects. I took a class from Judy a few years ago but never finished that project. Since this is a smaller project, I hope I can complete it.
I start a new beginning class today. In fact I will have two classes – one this morning and another this evening.
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
Royal Garden Center Done
Here is the center of the Royal Garden Saturday Sampler. I have two side borders on – of course, that is just the first of three borders. It is on my queen sized bed and the center fits right on the top perfectly. With the borders there will be enough drop to cover the top mattress. I need to fussy cut the top and bottom border and get them sewn on then on to the rest of the borders. I hope to have it ready to quilt next week.
Monday, August 05, 2013
Design Wall Monday–August 5, 2013
I can’t believe that I haven’t posted since last Monday but I guess that is right. I have been busy this last week. One of the things I am working on it finished up the Saturday Sampler for 2013. It won’t finish until December but the customers need to know what the finishing kit will look like when completed. I made the rest of the blocks for the rest of the year and am working on the sashing.
The main color in the quilt is purple but it doesn’t show well in my photos. The sashing strip is on the left. There is also another large sashing strip between each block that I will work on this afternoon. I have one column of the quilt put together with the sashing on both sides of the column but forgot to take a photo.
It is going to be a big quilt – about 87 x 105.
For more design walls, go to Patchwork Times.
Here is one more photo of my Christmas quilt hanging in the shop.
and my Halloween quilt, also hanging.