We have a couple of new programs going on at guild that are turning out to be very successful. First is a 2 1/2 inch strip swap. We are each cutting 1 yard of fabric into strips. You can get 14 strips from a yard. We are doing a different color each month and this month was red. 29 people brought strips and I swapped them out. It is a simple swapping process and everyone went back with a variety of red strips. Next month is brown.
Last year we exchanged pairs of 6 inch blocks and Tina found a pattern for us to use almost all the blocks. We have a retreat in early March and many of us will be working on this new quilt. It is beautiful scrappy quilt.
The other thing we are doing this year is a birthday club. We have done secret pals for the past few years but interest has been getting lower each year. This year, anyone who wants to commit for a year is in the birthday FQ club. We each gave our fabric preference and have a list of all the birthday members. On your birthday month, each person brings you a FQ, using your fabric preferences as a guide. This month 2 people had birthdays and Phyllis had brought baskets from the goodwill. The FQs were arranged in the baskets and presented to the birthday people. They got over 30 FQs. Wish I didn't have to wait until November.
This evening was the Fiber Art Fusion meeting. I joined this group last year when it was formed but am usually so tired after the first meeting of the day that I don't go. I decided that I really want to participate more in the group and joined a round robin that is starting today. We each covered a 9 x 12 piece of Timex with fabric. The piece gets passed every month to the next person and there are no rules regarding what you can do to it. The sky is the limit as far as embellishments.

I absolutely adore the green. It is so cool!