Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Advent Gift and Jane’s Quilt

This is the next to last gift for the Advent Swap.

It is a lovely sachet made from embroidered cotton.  It smells very nice.  One more small gift and then the main gift on Christmas day.  I went out to the grocery store today with about half of the population of Marietta.  They have a very large parking lot and it was full.  I had to wait for a parking place to open up when someone finally left.

I had to get a few last minute ingredients to make pumpkin roll tomorrow.  It wouldn’t be Christmas without pumpkin roll.  Bill picked up a honey baked ham earlier this week so we are almost ready.

I also delivered one more quilt today that needed to be done for Christmas.  Jane made two of these for weddings and I still have one more to quilt right after Christmas.

The embroidery on this quilt is wonderful and I quilted all around it to let it be the focal point. 

I finished one more quilt today and called the maker but don’t know if she wants to pick it up tomorrow or wait until after Christmas.  I will take photos of it tomorrow.

I have one more photo to show – we have a wonderful customer at the shop that makes shortbread for us each year.  I had a small piece on Friday and was anticipating having another one in the evening when I went back to work – it was all gone!  I googled recipes and found one that sounded like she had described.  It was easy to make and tastes great and I only have to share it with Bill, not everyone at the shop.

I also made two loaves of sourdough bread today.  It seems like it is getting better each time I make it.  I think the starter gets better as it gets used and replenished.



  1. So are you going to share the shortbread recipe?

  2. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Hello Melinda, in Australia (east coast) it is 6.20 p.m. Christmas Eve. Our daughter and her fiance arrived mid afternoon and our elder son (the one who used to pick out the pine tree for Christmas) will be arriving sometime Christmas morning. 2nd son and family will not be with us this Chrissy, they are heading down to Sydney to be with his wife's family. We are expecting rain over the weekend, from an ex cyclonic Low pressure system from Western Australia. We need to fill up our water tanks and because we have been in serious drought, our grass in the paddocks is non existent. We have a 150 acre hobby farm. The plants are literally dying before our eyes. Anyway have a very happy Christmas with your family. Because it is so hot we have turkey and ham salads. I would really love a hot turkey and I have never had hot ham!!!


  3. Quilts and homemade breads! Sounds like heaven. The embroidered quilt IS gorgeous. Any chance for a closer picture? (Sometime next year would be fine; no hurry.) Merry Christmas! Karmen (Brannock) Sunshine

  4. Lovely quilt - the embroidery really took my breath away!

    I also love that afghan that you are using as a background - right away reminded me of my grandmother.


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