Last Christmas, we had a gift exchange at my guild meeting. Jan received a composition book cover from Shannon. She had found a pattern in a magazine and then modified it. At the time, I told Jan how much I loved it but never imagined she would make one for me.

Jan decided to modify it further and this is the result. She picked out this wonderful bright fabric and quilted it using her Bernina BSR. Look at the great binding.

Here is the book opened. She made it to fit a standard composition book. She was able to find one that has squares rather than lines so it is great for quilt designing. The pen holder on the right is only attached at the binding so it can be moved out of the way, or used to hold the pages open. She even included a ruler so I can make straight lines.
This is the ruler pocket. Look at the alphabet beads that she decorated the pocket with. I absolutely love this gift. What a wonderful friend Jan is. Aren't I lucky.
That is gorgeous! Jan did a great job!