Mary Ellen had a car accident on the way from Southern California to Las Vegas and totaled her car. Fortunately, she was not seriously injured but she did spend Sunday night in the hospital. This is the 21st annual seminar in Las Vegas and we started going in 1999. We have not been to every one since 1999 but have been able to go to most of them.
We worked on a variety of projects during the week. What a treat to be able to sew all day, every day. We found a great little Mexican taco shop type of restaurant that we went to every day for lunch. Roberto's Taco Shop is definitely on our list for next year.
We also managed to go to two local quilt shops plus Joann's and Walmart.
The shops were both great - Fabric Boutique and Nancy's Quilt Shop. Both were glad the group was in town as everyone brought back shopping bags from both shops.
Mary Ellen is looking peaked these days. The last time I saw her (which I think was 10 or 12 years ago at Paducah, I think she still had dark hair. Probably colored. She's so funny. I'm so glad she wasn't hurt in the accident.