Today was the 4th of July and the largest 10K in America was held in downtown Atlanta. Every year, I decide that I will do the Peachtree next year but it never happens. There are over 55,000 people but it is still hard to get in. You have to submit your application on the first day or you have no chance. A lot of people walk it, or run/walk and am sure I could survive that. Maybe next year.

Bill had to work today so I did some sewing and quilted a while. He called and asked for a cake so I made a sour cream poppy seed pound cake. Also, since it is the 4th of July, we decided to make ice cream. I couldn't find a recipe I really liked, so made up my own. It turned out pretty good.
We also have a tradition that we eat hot dogs on hamburger buns. This is left over from my childhood. My parents always had their high school friends over with their families and we always had hot dogs on hamburger buns. You split the hot dogs down the length before you cook them on the grill. I am not sure why we had them that way - probably because long ago someone forgot to buy the hot dog buns. Any way, it wouldn't be the 4th of July unless we had them.
Every year we talk about going to see fireworks but never make it. I guess we will watch the fireworks at Centennial Olympic Park on TV later. We did decide that if we ever do go somewhere it will be to
Stone Mountain.
would you share your recipe for your cake?? Thanks