I have more polka dot BOM blocks on my design wall today. I am really having fun with this.

The block on the left is my bingo block for retreat. We were given a list of fabric types and made our own block. I have one more ready to sew together. At the end of the retreat, we will donate these blocks to the community service project and they will be made into quilts to give to the police department at the end of the year – what a good idea.
Our retreat starts on Wednesday so I am gathering my projects to take. We have four days of nothing but sewing! The featured project this year is a Hunters Star using the ruler by Deb Tucker. I plan to make a small project – probably with my black and whites for this. I just want to experience using the ruler but not commit to a quilt.
I am taking my Winter Wonderland blocks in hopes of completing the quilt. The center applique has been done for a couple of months and I just need to make the border blocks. They are mostly cut out so I hope to get them put together. I am also going to pack a sock monkey quilt that I want to finish for Bill. Another project where I made the blocks a couple of years ago but never completed the quilt.

Of course I will pack up my dots and perhaps fit in a couple of blocks.
For more design walls, go to Patchwork Times and check them out.