We had the monthly planning meeting for the quilt show yesterday and had a very interesting discussion. First, here is a photo of one of the 5 ribbons that I pieced for the show. We were given a little kit with the fabric to make 5 ribbons and the ones I made were some blue ones. The next step is that the committee will take these pieced blocks and turn them into the ribbons.
At the meeting, I suggested that since we have a two person category for quilts, we should give out two ribbons for this category. In other words, each of the two people would receive their own ribbon. I thought this was perfectly reasonable but some others did not and it caused a lengthy discussion - was very interesting to hear all the viewpoints about this issue. I am not sure what other quilt guilds do and if they have the same type of category. Typically, the two person category has quilts that the piecer has paid someone to quilt for them. Of course, it also includes quilts that are pieced by two people or appliqued by two. The quilt is almost always entered into the quilt show by the piecer who is almost always the owner of the quilt.
It just makes sense to me that two person quilt means two ribbons. Fortunately, after much discussion, the group voted to offer two ribbons for this one category.
At the last show, the two person category only had one person's name listed on the label hanging next to the quilt, although the second person was listed in the program. This oversight has been corrected and both names will be on the label this time. At the last show, a quilt won first prize for machine quilting and the quilter's name wasn't on the quilt. Fortunately, the piecer immediately asked that the quilter's name be added to the label and a new one was made. That issue is being resolved this year by stating that only a single person quilt is eligible for the machine quilting award. Not necessarily the solution I would have suggested but it will work.
The quilting world is changing and it is hard to keep up with everything that might come up. The two person category is the largest category in our show. I might add that this is a judged and juried show and has an excellent reputation in the Southeast - it is a great show.
I wonder what others think about this issue. I know that my view is colored by the fact that I am a longarm quilter and quilt for others. At the last show, quilts that I quilted won three honorable mention ribbons. Two were won by one of my favorite piecers/customers and she gave me one of the ribbons. I loved her for that (and for many other things). I am not interested in sharing any money if it is awarded - I got paid for my quilting and that is enough for me. On my invoice, I ask that if they show the quilt in a show or at a quilt shop that I get recognition as the quilter. I just want everyone who contributes to a quilt winning an award to share in it. Let me know what you think.