Today on my design wall I have more One Block Wonder blocks. After completing all the hexagons for the first quilt, I started thinking about the panel challenge that the Atlanta Modern Quilters Guild is focusing on. Simple rules – make something from a panel. I realized that the repeat on my fabric for the current OBW is 24 inches and that is what the width of the average panel is. I decided to see what happens if you stack up six identical panels and cut them up. This is what I have so far.

Interesting! I have about 6-10 more hexagons to make before I try to arrange them. This should be fun! I bought an extra panel to put on the back of the quilt so you will be able to see where the blocks are coming from. When I get the top together, I will post a photo of the panel for comparison. I am having a great time playing with them.
I plan on quilting the first OBW tonight so it will be ready for the class on Thursday. This one will still be in process so students can see how it is put together.
For more design inspiration, go to Patchwork Times.