You know how shop hops work – each shop in the quilt chooses a block and then each shop takes their version of each block and makes a quilt. Well this time, we decided to be more creative and turned our collection of blocks into a book – a very fat book.
The theme of the shop hop was a Parade of Homes and each shop choose a house to represent them. We decided to be a castle and because the royal wedding is coming up next month, we went with the whole royal theme. We decorated with photos of the happy couple and made a children’s book out of the blocks.
We started with our castle block as the cover of the book. The title is A House is a Home No Matter Where You Roam. In the little pocket on the castle is Kate, who is the star of the story.

When you open the book, you will find the first page has who made the book and other details. The next page starts the story. If you click on the book pages you can read the story about Kate and her travels through the kingdom.

The first stop is at a flower shop.

She then visits the schoolhouse.

Next she goes to a farm.

Then she goes to a gingerbread house,

and on to the haunted house.

She then goes to a bee keep,

Followed by bird houses.

She then goes to a light house,
a firehouse,

and lastly a bakery.

Each of the employees made a block – I made the bakery.
After the blocks were made, it needed to be turned into a book and that is where I came in. I added spines to each set of pages and sewed the pages together into sets of four. After all that was done, I managed to sew the book together. I was uncertain if I could sew through 24 layers of fabric but I pulled out the shop’s Pfaff sewing machine and it worked great.
Hope you enjoy seeing what we did with our blocks.