Monday, February 08, 2010

Piecemakers Meeting Today

Since it is the second Monday of the month it was the day for the Piecemakers to meet.  We made a quilt for a soldier or sailor last year and finally got the binding done on it today.  It is true that many hands make quick work.  Five of us worked on the binding and we got in done in plenty of time.

We started this quilt quite a while ago and used all sorts of left over blocks from different stashes.  Michele had the center lighthouse blocks from an old guild exchange and I had some string blocks.  We put it out on the floor and everyone make additional blocks to fill it in and then we put it together.  Pam quilted it and then Danielle sewed the binding on it.  She brought it today and we stitched the binding to the back by hand.

Here is the front of the quilt.

  and a close up

I also took a photo of JoAnn’s first blocks for our yearly exchange.  We are doing string pieced blocks.  Not as many people signed up this year so I think we only need to make about 12 blocks.  Each person was able to list colors that ”hey like and one color that they prefer not be used.  I chose black and white with brown as my “no way” color.  I can’t wait to see what I get.

Lastly, Michele brought in a quilt that she made as a charity quilt.  She used some fabric samples that we got at the shop and cut them into 10 inch squares.  She then used a Moda Bake Shop pattern to make this quilt.

She also pieced the back – it is almost as much fun as the front.



  1. Awesome on all counts!

  2. Wonderful quilts Melinda. Love getting these ideas.

  3. Very pretty quilts. I am sure you have fun getting together to quilt with friends. I belong to a small group that get together every week to stitch. Have fun.

  4. Hi Melinda,
    Thanks for commenting on my Panda soup. I realized my mistake. I used 3 green onions and called them bunches! So only 3 green onions, bunches would be alot!! So you are a quilter- beautiful. My MIL is a quilter too and has made some precious things for my children. Have a great day!


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