Friday, December 11, 2009

Selvage Blog Again – Giveaway Alert.

I am on the selvage blog again today. This time my pincushions and Quilt in a Cup are featured. What a thrill to be featured again so soon.

I actually made 25 of these over a few days. I gave one to each of the committee chairs and officers of the Allatoona Quilters’ Guild and have 3 left to give away. If you leave a comment on this post, I will put your name in a drawing for one of them. I will draw the name on December 15. Tell me about one of your Christmas memories in your comment please.



  1. Anonymous9:14 PM

    I am leaving a comment. As a Jew, I have very few memories. But, my mother dated this schmo that brought me to the Tree farm and set the reindeer free (the farm was in a large golf course). He got arrested and my mother broke up with him.

  2. I love the idea of using every available piece of fabric. Using the selvage is really intriging to me. I would love one of the pincushions ! One of my favorite Christmas memories was always getting to open one gift on Christmas Eve which was always red or green pajama's. My sisters and I would put our pj's on and then we would go riding around town with my parents and looking at Christmas lights. We continued the tradition when our girls were born and still do it to this day even though they are grown.

  3. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Hello Melinda, Guess what? I know Trudi and she is just lovely and oh so talented!!!

    One of my Christmas memories was when our two young sons and later, daughter as well used to hop in the 4wd ute and DH and I used to look for a suitable Christmas Pine to chop down. Elder son ended up being so particular about a Christmas tree, that when he got his licence, he went and looked for and got it by himself. Even when he wasn't living at home, it was still his job to get at least one tree. DH just couldn't handle the frustration of many hours out in the bush in the blazing summer sun. Now DH and myself only have a tiny artificial golden Christmas tree, already decorated. We have two baby grandchildren now and will share Christmas with them and the rest of the family at THEIR place. Happy Christmas to you and your family!!!

  4. I love the idea of using the Selvages, but I never seem to leave enough fabric attached to do anything with them... One of my favorite memories of Christmas is making cookies with my mom to give as gifts to friends and neighbors.

    Beth- Near Chicago

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I just love these pin cushions and have to try making some.
    What a month! We have both been featured on the selvage blog more than once! What a thrill!
    I am jewish, so I will share what has become my favorite tradition. We take a picture of my kids on the eighth night behind the fully lit menorah. I love to look back and dee how they have grown and matured!

  7. Melinda sees beauty in so many things -- and especially in selvages! One of my favorite memories of Christmas is from the 70's -- riding around some of the neighborhoods in my home town looking at holiday lights of all kinds, especially in the areas where the houses were small, and families with limited means. There should be beauty in Christmas for everyone! Thanks, Melinda.

  8. unfortunately I do not have good christmas memories to share as a child because we were very poor and my mom was a single parent. But I made it a point to make Christmas memories as an adult . My best ones are when I can have both of my kids at home at the same time. They both work and go to school so it is basically a miracle to share the holiday with both.

  9. I love everything you make with the salvages. These are so cute.
    One of the things I always remembers as a child was that on Christmas Eve, the family would all sit around singing Christmas songs. Later we would all get to open just one present and it was always red pajamas. Think it made for good Christmas pictures the next morning. It was a lot of red, my parents had six kids.

  10. I'd LOVE one of these cuties!

    My favorite Christmas memories are from the years when my sons were growing up. For about 15 years, we spent 2 nights at the coast the weekend BEFORE Christmas. During a crazy busy time of year, our family was alone- away from the parties, gifts, phone calls, baking, decorating, shopping, etc. We were just alone as a family at our favorite rental condo at the beach. We built fires in the fireplace and drank hot chocolate- played board games, watched old Christmas movies, did puzzles, watched storms on the beach, walked the dog, and enjoyed the lights and decorations in the little coastal shops. It was family time at its best.

  11. One of my Christmas memories with my sons is watching Christmas movies with them. With my oldest son, it was Christmas Vacation. With our youngest son it's The Santa Clause and Elf, We would crawl under a quilt and watch the movie on a Sunday afternoon. Wonderful memory!

    Congrats for being featured on the Selvage blog! Love what you are creating with your selvages!

  12. I love those little pincushions. I have great memories of my brother and I getting up around 6 am and going out to the living room to see what Santa had left for us under the tree.

  13. I have making a pincushion on my to-do list. Would love to win one.
    My favorite Christmas memories are the Christmas I spent at my grandmother's house. My dad's family always got together on Christmas day and it was such fun.

  14. Anonymous11:16 AM

    You have inspired me to use every inch of fabric and I've asked for donations from the members of my quilt guild - some who don't have any interest have started sending selvages my way. I can't wait for the Christmas sewing to be done so I can start with the salvages.

    One of my favorite memories involved the year we were living out of town while my Dad did research. My Grandmother was in the hospital and my Mom had gone home to be with her. My Dad and I put up a small tree and we made construction paper ornaments. A few days before Christmas he announced we were going home to be with your Mom. It was my first plane ride and took about 12 plus hours for the 2 hour flight do to bad weather. Friends at home made sure we had a tree. My father died in '92 and I still remember that year fondly.

  15. I remember the Christmas that was because of green stamps. Some of our growing up years were hard, but us kids usually didn't know about it. I do remember the year all our presents were bought with green stamps. Mom saved them up all year, pasting them in a book and at the end of the year, she looked through the green stamp catalogue to see what she could purchase. I got Fido that year...a blue and yellow stuffed dog. We were happy with so little as much has changed in society hasn't it?

  16. I enjoy following your blog daily through the blog reader. My memories of Christmas involve my 4 children when they were young. I enjoyed watching them open their gifts and playing with the toys after Christmas. I am making each child and grandchild a stocking with the college fabric of their favorite team. I get many ideas by following blogs.
    Lynn in TX

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