The East Cobb Quilters Guild is having our every other year show this September. The raffle quilt that I quilted will be given away at the show. For publicity, we decided that it would be good to have something
quilty to send to the media. Since I have traded many, many, many postcards and have taught postcard classes several times, I volunteered, or was volunteered to teach a workshop on fabric postcards.

We combined the workshop with a bee meeting that I organize for the guild and had about 25 people show up. The price for the workshop was that they each make at least one postcard to give to the publicity committee.
Here are some members making their postcards.

Here are most of the postcards that were made for the guild - aren't they wonderful?
On the table are some of my postcards that I have traded - I brought them all for inspiration and everyone enjoyed looking at them.
Here is a mother/daughter team having fun.
Ray made postcards like he was part of a sweatshop - he completed several and has more almost finished. I think he did about 16 of them.
More bee members with their postcards.
We really had a great time. Almost everyone that attended is planning on making more postcards for their friends and family. Also many of them are making extras for the guild. All, in all, a very sucessful day.