Here are the pins that I received in the ATP swap. I made four but only sent in three to be traded because I want to keep one for myself. These are so different and each one is wonderful. I have been wearing the Christmas one for last few days and have gotten many great comments on it.
I really love the little doll pin and can't wait to start wearing it but think I should keep it until after Christmas. The last one is wonderful also and will look great on a sweater.

I belong to the Georgia Crazy Quilters group and we decided to do a gift exchange this year. Here are my gifts before getting wrapped and on the way. We had 9 people sign up so we each made 8 gifts.
These little zipper bags were made using prequilted fabric that I had in my stash. It is a really pretty asian fabric. I made some of the bags with the front of the fabric and some with the reverse side. They are different sizes as I just cut up the fabric and started sewing. I have a whole plastic tub of zippers so just used ones that looked good with the colors of the bags. I found out that I like the zipper pull to be on the flat side of the bag, not at the point.
So far I have received a checkbook cover, bookmark, needle case, covered photo album, thread with pincushion and can't wait for the other 3 to arrive. It has really been a fun swap and not too much work for the pleasure we are receiving.