Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Swap Received

I received my Spring Swap all the way from Sweden today.  Helena is a great exchange partner.  I don’t know how I was so lucky for her to get my name.

I know I have mentioned that two of my grandchildren (and my son) live in Sweden.  It was nice to have a package from there.


This first photo is of Max checking out the stamps.  They were very pretty stamps and I just had to cut them out and save them.


Here are the packages that I found inside the package.  They were wrapped with my favorite lime green.


Look at the lovely quilt/wall hanging/table runner that Helena made for me.  I have it hanging on my front door which is my very favorite place to display a small quilt.  Don’t worry, it is protected from the elements by a glass storm door and doesn’t get much sun, especially now that the trees are leafing out.


Also in the package was a beautiful card, some spring stickers and tea.

Thank you again Helena – I love everything.



  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    What a terrific mini quilt, so bright and happy.

  2. The mini is so cute! I joined several mini swaps lately. I wanted to stop by and tell you about a get together some of us are planning. A few of the girls from the MB I am on are going to meet up at Tiny Stitches and then go for lunch. I'm thrilled about it. I don't know if you remember but I had told you I'd like to come and shop and meet you. I had been looking for a local quilt guild and do hope to join in soon, but was planning on waiting till after my trip to NH. I have been way too busy to think about doing it now, but looks like I'll get a chance to at least come and meet you and check out the shop, woohoo. Now I know that's probably not as exciting for you as it is me but I can hardly wait to meet some quilters in my area, and find a new shop too :)


I would love to hear from you. Make sure I have a way to contact you if you have a question.

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