I taught the third class of six in my beginning machine quilting class today - we made nine patches and also nine patch variations. It was so great to see the students so excited when their blocks actually turned out to be 6 1/2 inches.
After the class, I met with Janice who is the chair of the Raffle Quilt for ECQG. We are using a published pattern for the middle of the quilt (with the designers permission) and will use a different border. We have 40 different blocks and asked for volunteers to make one each. So far, over 32 people have volunteered and we assigned blocks today and split them up so we can call and arrange to get them to each person. Here is a link to the pattern on Lori's site. The colors we are using are a little brighter than the original. There is one 12 inch block that has 101 pieces in it - glad I am not making that one.