After the cruise, my sister and I went to Las Vegas to spend 5 days with
Mary Ellen Hopkins. She has been holding this seminar in Las Vegas called the Las Vegas Strippers for 20 years. One of the women, Aggie, has attended all 20 of them. Robin and I have been to 5 or so over the last 10 years. I think Robin has attended a couple more than I have since it is within driving distance for her and a plane ride for me.
We always have a great time with Mary Ellen and the other friends we have made over the years. The first time we went, there were only 9 people attending and this year there were about 45. It is a lot of fun. Of course, July in Las Vegas is hot, hot, hot but since we spend most of our time in the sewing room, it doesn't really matter if it is 108 or 111 outside.
We worked on several projects over the 5 days but I have posted just one here. Actually two photos, but one project by Robin and one by me. Mary Ellen has a collection of small log cabin quilts/wall hangings that she has made from very large scale prints. We have always liked these quilts but never actually got around to making one. This year we decided to do it.

The quilt above is mine. The fabric used has a brown background and bright pink and green flowers. It cuts up very nicely doesn't it.
Here is Robin's uilt. She used a wonderful Asian fabric with flowers and cranes on it. These are very easy to make, the strips are cut 1 1/4" so finish at 3/4". You need to cut small to get the right look. We both decided to set ours on point by making two larger log cabin blocks to use as setting triangles.
I hope to get mine quilted and will donate it to the Small Treasures auction that will be held at the ECQG show in September. I have a couple more pieces of fabric that I want to try this project with. I will put the original fabric on the back so you will be able to see what it looks like before being cut up.