I am working on a quilt for
Tiny Stitches It is a sample for the shop so we can make kits available, plus I am planning on teaching it in a class. It is made from the beautiful Ramblin Rose fabric by
Marti Michell. This fabric is used for a BOM that we have at the shop called Ramblin Rose meets Jamestown and the link above shows you her latest book called Kaleidoscope ABCs. The quilt I am making is on the cover of the book and is called Ramblin Rose with Guacamole and Extra Salsa on the Side. Quite a long name for a beautiful quilt.

This first photo is of the focus kaleidoscope blocks. These took me most of a day to cut and complete. This quilt requires a design board or in my case a design tablecloth that I can spread out on the floor. The guild had a one day retreat late last month and this is what I finished on that day, along with getting all the other pieces cut, which was a major job in itself.
Here is the quilt after laying out some of the alternate blocks. The next step is to add the guacamole (the green triangles) to each of the alternate blocks. The salsa on the side is the pink/read small triangles that fill out the alternate kaleidoscope blocks. I am working on them, in between guild meetings and quilting on customer quilts.
I am currently in the middle of quilting the Angels Among Us quilt for Tiny Stitches. It is a fun, fusible applique and embroidery quilt and I am custom quilting it.
Spent the morning at a guild meeting. The President called this morning and since she was not feeling well, I ran the meeting. Everything went smoothly and we had a great show and tell session with our challenge quilts. Unfortunately, I did not finish mine but many others did. The challenge this time, was to use a specific block (log cabin, pinwheel, sawtooth star, bears paw, Dutchman's puzzle or churn dash). They were assigned a block by having them numbered and they rolled a die to select the one they had to use. This block needed to be used at least once in their quilt. In addition to the block, they needed to use a stripe and some kind of embellishment. We saw crystals, rickrack, buttons, embroidery, dimensional applique and probably some others that I can't remember now.
Everyone seems to enjoy the challenges we have done. Time to start thinking about the next one.