We found out the the guild raffle quilt was accepted at Nashville. How exciting is this! This will be the second year that a quilt that I have quilted is hanging there. Last year, 2 quilts that I quilted for Jan were accepted. I know I have posted photos before but just can't resist posting them again.
We are leaving in the morning to fly to California. On Sunday we are going on a cruise with my family. There will be 17 of us, including my son and his wife and two children who live in Sweden, my daughter, her husband and son who live in San Francisco. Also going are my sister and her husband, her daughter, husband and two teenagers. Lastly, my kids father and his wife are going. We are going to have so much fun for 7 days going to Mexico.
The following week, my sister and I are going to Las Vegas, while my poor husband comes home to go back to work. In Las Vegas, we will be sewing with Mary Ellen Hopkins for 5 days before I come home the following week.
I am not taking the computer on the cruise but may have time to post from Las Vegas. I am planning on taking lots of photos.