FiberArtBee was a couple of weeks ago but I kept forgetting to post a picture of what we did. We decided to pound flowers. Not everyone in the group was excited about it but it turned out that everyone had a great time, except maybe the people who were not pounding but just hearing it.
This is the first time any of us had done this but we all had such fun that I think we will do it again.

I need to decide what I want to do to finish this and what I want it to be. The flower part is about 12-14 inches and is on a larger square. I want to do some pen work to define the flowers, and then think I will play with quilting it. I have thought about adding beads but can't make up my mind.
It is really interesting how the color of the flowers change when they are pounded. The large flowers on my piece are rose petals. One rose was red and the other was pink.
In August we are going to play with making fiber and tyvek beads - should be another fun day.